Following on from the success of our 2016/17 Big Lottery funded project Moving Ink where we co-created comics with NEET young people in Gt Yarmouth Essential Sequential are very proud to have been awarded another Big Lottery grant for our new project Essential Studio GY!
What is Essential Studio GY?
The project will engage 80 young people, aged 16 to 25 in the Gt Yarmouth and Lowestoft areas with the aim of expanding their capacity, confidence, and skills through the creation of comics.
Successful Comic creation is multi-disciplinary, requiring a variety of skill sets and is greatly aided by working as a team (writer, artist, graphic designer) – Essential Sequential’s skilled facilitators will assist local participants to form themselves into creative teams resulting in new, original stories in graphic form.
Progress Update: July 2019
Working alongside fantastic partner organisations Map and East Coast College, both of whom work with hundreds of Young people in Gt Yarmouth and Lowestoft, we were able to smash our initial engagement figure.
We went on to create comics with teams of young people, giving them a real experience of what it’s like to work creatively to a tight brief and deadline.
Dave Canham, writer for one of the comics, had this to say about being involved;
“I’m so happy that I’ve got something out there with my name on it that I can say to my friends and family that I was part of the team that made it.”
All the comics produced during the course of the project will be available in print in various venues in Gt Yarmouth and Lowestoft.
A supporting document, The Studio GY Plan Potential, will also be released collating evidence and thoughts gathered from organisations and project participants regarding local skills/ training provision and issues surrounding the employment market.
Please email us now to be informed of exact release dates of both of these.
Want to get involved?
If you’re a young person aged 16 to 25, live in the Gt Yarmouth or Lowestoft area and would like to take part email us now!
Likewise, if you are a professional creative or part of an organisation who’d like to find out more get in touch!
Come to one of the launch events!
Attend to on of our Launch events taking place at the following locations and dates:
- Lowestoft Kirkley Centre: Friday January 18th 2019 (10am till 12pm)
- Gt Yarmouth Library: Friday February 1st 2019 (1pm till 3pm)
Register now to book your place now!
What other aims does the project have?
The secondary aim of the project is to investigate both formally and creatively, opportunities to better inter-connect local creative practitioners to the design needs of Great Yarmouth’s social industries.
By getting local creative professionals involved, sharing their time and skills, the project will gather evidence as to the viability of a community based creative and commercial design studio.
The aims of the studio will be to meet the marketing and communications needs of regional non-profit organisations, whilst working in partnership (rather than competition) with local creative firms by utilising the skills the young people participating have developed in the creation of comics with the view to potential long term employment in the creative industries.