As part of the Norwich 100 Day Challenge Essential Sequential Project Coordinator, Stuart Paterson, will draw on his years of experience in graphic design and marketing to make the process of creating and managing your own (or your organisation’s) website and social media presence simple!
These Free 2 hour training sessions will take place at Norwich based Venues between 23rd and 31st May 2022
- Budget Website Building for Individuals & Small Organisations
- Social Media Marketing: Making it Manageable, Measurable and Effective
No experience in building websites or Social Media required!
No complicated technical details to remember!
Use our simple online form to Book places now
Spaces are limited so book places for you and any friends or colleagues who’d like to join now!
Attend and be eligible for a £300 grant
Business In The Community (BITC) have also pledged further opportunities through small grants of up to £300 for economically inactive* attendees to start community projects, or to invest in further bespoke training!
*Economically Inactive people (aged 16-64) who are not involved in the labour market – they are neither working or effectively seeking employment (i.e. have not been in invited to a job interview in over a month)
Economic inactivity includes students, early retirees and the long-term sick.